Trade-Ideas SCoRe (Stock Composite Rating)

Here’s a good write up of Trade-Ideas SCoRe or Stock Composite Rating. It blends our technical, fundamental, and non-structured data into a nice metric that can be used to assess a stock’s overall strength. Here’s the full description from Andy Lindloff who spearheaded the effort to create the metric.

The Trade Ideas’ SCoRe (Stock Composite Rating) is a proprietary formula that measures a stock’s strength along technical, fundamental, and non-structured dimensions. We employ over 17 such metrics to measure each SCoRe. A stock can have a SCoRe of 30 to 100, with 100 being the best score. Unlike the other rating systems, the SCoRe is dynamic, and will change in real-time during live market hours. This allows our clients to act swiftly to quickly changing price action. ScoRe incorporates both Technical and Fundamental metrics, with an emphasis on moving averages and the position in range on multiple time frames.

Trade-Ideas toplist sorted by the Stock Composite Rating filter in descending order

The Top-List above only looks for stocks with a SCoRe greater than 90. It has identified a stock that may be on the verge of breaking out to an all-time high. iRobot Corp. (IRBT) has a SCore of 98. They recently had earnings and the stock exploded to within cents of it’s all-time high set back in August of last year.

Daily chart of IRBT iRobot highlighting the all-time high from a few weeks ago

With a huge short float (42%), a new all-time high above $118.75 could really get this thing going as many shorts will be scrambling to cover. The stock price has made a big move since earnings, so a pullback would not be a surprise and some may wish to use that weakness to enter a position at or near the rising 10 day SMA, should it get there.

You can view all the documentation for all our filters on the Alert and Filter Help page. You’ll need a subscription to Trade-Ideas to use the SCoRe.

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